Ring out the old, bring in the new, a midnight wish to share with you....
A line from an old song I woke up with in my mind this morning.. perhaps a year has never been wished out more than 2020 has. A year I think it is safe to say that has been very difficult and challenging for us all, across our precious world.
For me personally it feels like it has been a decade rolled into a year (I'm sure a few can agree with that) with some lows and some highs, but nonetheless this year has taught me flexibility and resilience and it has taught me to work in new ways, despite the many challenges, progress has been made.
There have been some real highs for me - my daughter was married in February which was absolutely beautiful, I passed my teaching exams in October which was really amazing and my husband and I celebrated 25 years of marriage at the beginning of December. But there has also been some very very low soul searching moments - in the midst of the first lockdown in April we caught Covid which was very difficult, the after affect for me was very hard it took quite some time to feel okay again emotionally. In that period I did a lot of soul searching (literally), I didn't know where I wanted to be or even where I was going, it was a real low point and made me doubt so very much.
Upon reflection now what I realise is that despite it all the world keeps turning, the sun rises and sets just the same, we don't always have to rush forward and be on top form, sometimes it is okay to just crawl forward or even stop awhile.
Prior to this year beginning I was constantly telling people 2020 would be the year of clarity and as I reflect on that, it is true we have learnt so much during this time, we don't always learn what we think we are going to, or get what we want, often we get what we need. We have all learn so much in this time not perhaps in the ways we wanted to, but it all helps our soul growth. For sure we have learnt what is and is not important.
Today as I connected in for my morning meditation the door I talked of yesterday that was in the sky, was so much closer and a little wider open, written on it were the words HOPE, LOVE and WISH UPON A STAR. I felt the spirit world so very close, they reminded me how far I have come this year and that we have to keep focused as we move forward, they told me I must carry on spreading the word of spirit and reminding people of their presence, it is so easy to give up and feel deflated, particularly with the news announcement last night but I had the overriding feeling of trusting and knowing that after the darkness the light always follows just as winter spring appears.
There is a spiritual awakening going on right now for so many as we all wonder what life is about and wonder if there is more to it than this, so my message to you all is reflect back over your year what have you learnt about yourself ? We are resilient and strong and as we move forward let us keep hope in our heart, as my guide told me yesterday it is the fear that holds us back, let us start to shed that as we take off our overcoats of heaviness and burden tonight is the perfect time to make your New Year wish and as we move into our New Year
the newness of 2021 brings with it a new energy.
2021 we are ready for you!!!!