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Writer's picturedebrachalmers

Happy 2024 ..

Happy New Year!

So here we are another New Year rolls round, the year of 2024. Each year we are either filled with hope and optimism or perhaps dread at another year without our loved ones. If you are the latter please know that no matter how you feel you are not alone, none of us are. The spirit world is entwined with ours and our loved ones will continue to be with us this year as they always have been. I often think we lose ourselves along the way and sometimes don't know how to 'find us'. No matter what your view of the New Year or of January is, we can see this as turning a new page on our story book.

January is named after the Roman God Janus he could see the past and future and was known to be the god of the doors. That feels relevant as we are at the beginning of 2024, also a time to reflect backwards. What did you learn from 2023? No matter how turbulent the year might have been in every situation comes growth, all of it helping our souls to become wiser and stronger for even the most difficult situations can bring us a rainbow in the storm.

As I reflect back I had many challenges along with everyone else, which can be difficult but lots of 'gifts in odd shaped boxes' lots of growth and resilience came from those challenges and lots of lightbulb moments that in turn have helped me to growth and given me a greater insight and wisdom and I grateful for that.

Will you this year be making a New Year's resolutions?

Last year I promised to dedicate more time to my own wellbeing and I did my best to remember it throughout the year. This year my resolution is to be brave and to push myself forward no matter how scary that can be. For if we do not move forward we cannot learn and grow.

We all may have a different perception of January. For me, I like January and find it is a month that is clean, full of the promise of a new chapter and of course a new year. But for many a month that is too dark and goes on too long and can feel very drab after the festivities of dancing December. For many there maybe mixed thoughts, perhaps a sigh of relief that they got through the holiday festivities but sadness at going into a new year without loved ones in the physical (although of course we are never alone).

However, the year feels for you it is important that you look after yourself, that you take time for you. That seems like a cliche but the truth of the matter it never gets old because it is what we have to do and keep on doing.

Remember as we go through the darkness of January that the nights are getting lighter, that we have now passed the shortest day and that there is hope around the corner. You may not feel hope today, but there is always hope. Soon we will see the snowdrops making their appearance fighting their way into this world, battling through the darkness and making their presence known and their beauty will fill our hearts with joy at their very presence. You too can fight through your darkness, you are more resilient than you know.

So in January, I wish you peace, and if you feel overwhelmed, simply take one day at a time. After all, If we can live in the present moment, that is all we need to do. If you needed a sign to know you are loved and not alone then know this is it.

Spirit told me in my recent meditation that this year is a year of liberation and freedom and that filled my heart full of excitement. I am not sure what that means, but if we can all feel a little liberated and a little free to be ourselves then we are indeed heading in the right direction.

Yesterday like the path behind us, just like 2023 has gone, take a moment to reflect on what you have learnt and embrace your road ahead. For all roads lead us home.

Let us look forward and to 2024, welcome. We hope you are kind to us.

With Love

Debra x

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Beautiful Debra xx


That’s beautiful

Debra I’ve stolen this from you.

You will know why. This year my resolution is to be brave and to push myself forward no matter how scary that can be.

Thats so true for me

So thank you. ❤️ xx


Beautiful x


Beautiful words of wisdom x


Debra Chalmers  Spiritual Medium

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