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The Guided Pathway

How often in life is it that we feel our pathway is too dark?

That we feel we have lost our way or lost our companions and don’t really want to carry on the journey of life without them … we can lose our zest and sparkle for life.

In life it is sadly a true reality that we must take the dark with the light as well as the rough with the smooth, but of course it can feel sometimes like there is too much dark and too much rough to be able to enjoy your walkway.

Here is the thing that is proven to me time and time again no matter what … the spirit world do not leave us ever on our walkway, … let me say that again … they do not leave us not for a minute even in those times when you feel no-one is listening, when you feel lost and too tired to carry on, they are with us there gently in the background, helping us in ways perhaps we don’t see or know.

Recently as I was working with the spirit world a beautiful gentleman told me in everybody’s lifetime there will always come some hard times no matter what and it is through those times that we grow and have that soul growth that gives us inner wisdom and clarity of the important things in life. No matter how perfect other people’s lives may look to the outsider, we all must go through the ups and the downs in some way shape or form.

For me I think the older I get the more I feel liberated and free to be myself, sure we can be disappointed when people don’t understand us, but rest assured everyone is busy trying to understand themselves and it isn’t their job to understand you it’s our job to do that for us and to do it well.

There’s one thing I know no matter what happens the spirit world don’t let us down, they really don’t, if we hold out our hand and ask for the guidance it will be there … it may not present in the way or the form you want it to of course, but it will present in the way you need it.

So, keep navigating along your pathway I know it can be so hard when you are suddenly expected to walk this chapter alone, when you thought there were others beside you and suddenly the path is not so clear anymore ... BUT there is a light and power that’s shines upon that can and will light the darkest corners of your pathway.

Right now, the stars have been so bright and as we go into the darker months they shine even more so, take some time, and connect to outdoors in the way you want and make that wish! Certainly, none of us are too old to dream and to hope … but above all else remember you have always been loved and always will be.

All my love

Debra x

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Debra Chalmers  Spiritual Medium

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